Monday, April 03, 2006


Well I'm currently convincing myself that I should not feel bad for my failure to post photos almost daily. I guess I just don't make the time to do so. Oh well... I still love taking shots and that is what counts. Having not really made to much progress with sorting out good photos from my archives I will move on to some new photos now.

Before I post any futher I should say that I have been shooting in RAW format ever since I cleaned out my photo library and when I export the photos the jpegs look muted, dull, etc.... I apologize for this.

What would a post titled 'Spring!' be without at least one flower shot?!?

I took this photo to show the difference in size between a 1 yoke chicken egg and a 2 yoke chicken egg. I'm hoping you can guess which one is which.

mmm... gotta love sprawl!

The contraption that some of the Grackels are behind is a open sided cage to keep our cats from the birds we feed. Half crazy, half genuis.

I was at a private party in the top floor of the 4 Seasons in Toronto this past weekend. This was the view.